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4Results for "April 24, 1910"
Moses Taylor Pyne and the Sugar Plantations of the Americas
by Maeve Glass | Reconstruction to Present (1865-)
The financial contributions of Moses Taylor Pyne (Class of 1877), one of Princeton's most prominent benefactors, reveal the complex relationship between Princeton, the American sugar trade, and the slave economy.
Jehu A. Orr
by Jessica R. Mack | Antebellum (1820-1861)
Jehu A. Orr (class of 1857) was a prominent slaveholder, Confederate leader, and colonel during the Civil War. As the last surviving member of the Confederate Congress, he played an influential role in shaping Civil War memory in the 20th century.
The Princeton Plan
by Meagan Raker | Reconstruction to Present (1865-)
In 1948, after a century of segregation, the town of Princeton integrated the white Nassau Street School and the Black Witherspoon Street School with a system called the “Princeton Plan.” Contemporary reactions to desegregation revealed Princeton’s racial divisions as well as the Black community’s commitment to education.
Primary Sources
"The Last of the Confederacy"
April 24, 1910 | Reconstruction to Present (1865-)
An article featuring Jehu A. Orr, Princeton alumnus and last surviving member of the Confederate Congress.