Princeton Resources

Princeton University ArchivesRepresenting SlaveryWilson Legacy Review Committee

Other University & Slavery Studies

Brown University • Clemson UniversityColumbia UniversityFurman University • Georgetown UniversityHarvard University • University of MarylandUniversity of MississippiUniversity of North CarolinaUniversity of Pennsylvania • Princeton Theological Seminary • Rutgers UniversityUniversity of South CarolinaSouthern Baptist Theological Seminary • Sweet Briar CollegeUniversity of VirginiaWashington & Lee University • College of William & Mary • Yale University

See also Universities Studying Slavery (USS), a consortium of over 90 institutions of higher education in the United States, Canada, Columbia, Scotland, Ireland, and England engaged in projects focused on human bondage and the legacies of racism in their histories.

*This list is meant to be representative and not comprehensive. If you are aware of other resources that should be listed here, please contact us.

Did You Know...?Dozens of freedom seekers resisted slavery in Princeton and beyond. Read More