Monrovia Liberia Oct 3rd 1839 Dear Sir The day that I left you sir, I got ready all that day, the next day about twelve o clock the ship set sail for the Norfolk, we was four days from the Philadelphia to Norfolk the ship leave the Philadelphia on the
Monrovia Liberia
Oct 3rd 1839
Dear Sir
The day that I left you sir, I got ready all that day, the next day about twelve o clock the ship set sail for the Norfolk, we was four days from the Philadelphia to Norfolk the ship leave the Philadelphia on the twenty fourth day of July and we got to Norfolk on the twenty eight day of the same month. Sir I was very bad treat it on the board of the vessel. The captain and marse treat it me same as was a dog, we leave to Norfolk on the seventh day of August, we had a very good wind ever since we left to Norfolk. Our heavenly father has been very kind to me ever since we last to united state. We lost one of our Passenger on the way, The Rev Collin Teage the Baptist minister of the monrovia, he went to America to see his friend. He died three weeks after we left to Norfolk: he was prepared to died, he was ready to meet God in the Judgment bar. The ship got to Monrovia on the Seventeenth day of the September, they put the Emigrant shore at the monrovia, the Missionary go shore every day, and come back on the board of the vessel every night for my part I sleep the shore every night, at the Governor Buchanan house– Mr. Buchanan was very glad to see, he treat it me very kind indeed, While the missionary at the monrovia they went up one of the king town, they was very glad to see them, they killed two chicken for us, they cook it in country faction, they cook it in the [wead?] and all, they had two wash bowl full of rice, and the other bowl full of soup, and the Brass kittle full of the water and the little [?] it. We leave the monrovia on the twenty sixth day of the September to Bassa Cove and we got to Bass Cove, on the twenty seventh day of the same month. They all went shore next morning at the Bassa Cove, the Sunday morning I went shore, the people was very glad to see me. I went over to my aunt house, she was very glad to see me, she went and called one of my Brother, he and one of Cousin came over to see me, they was very glad too, I did not know my own Cousin. I stay with them till it was very dark, then I told them tell my Father, that I has come. Next day my Father came down to see it was rining, I was over my Aunt house, when he came, he send one of my Cousin to tell me that has come; when I was coming I met a great many, some of them is my Brothers some my Cousin. Well [?] I came down they told me that he was at Mr Bear house. I went in there Father was sitting there, I shook hands with old man. He did not know me he look at me a great while the he shook hand me gain. He went over Governor house, and thank him for the kindness they had done for me in the United State he very glad to see me. I thank you sir for the kindness you have done for me, ten thousand thousand much oblige to you sir, I got nothing to pay for your kindness sir. But I think you be very much please if you hear of me doing some good to my people. Give my respect to all your Family, if please sir. Mr Maclean I wish you send me a Hammock if you please when the ship coming out hear gain. Tell Miss Mary and Miss [Agaret] that I think them for their kindness they done for me in last winter.
Your Remain friend. P Harris
(addressed to)
Professor John Maclean
Princeton NJ
N America
care of
Capt Water
Ship Sal[udee?]