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93Results for "The Princeton Press"
Indians, Slavery and Princeton
by Alfred L. Bush | Colonial & Early National (1746-1820), Antebellum (1820-1861), Civil War (1861-1865), Reconstruction to Present (1865-)
Princeton’s history of Indian education, dating back to the 18th century, illustrates white Americans’ ambivalent views of American Indians.
Princeton in the West Indies
by Jessica R. Mack | Colonial & Early National (1746-1820)
Under the leadership of President Witherspoon, the College of New Jersey launched an ill-fated campaign to secure donations from slaveholding planter elites in the West Indies.
Moses Taylor Pyne and the Sugar Plantations of the Americas
by Maeve Glass | Reconstruction to Present (1865-)
The financial contributions of Moses Taylor Pyne (Class of 1877), one of Princeton's most prominent benefactors, reveal the complex relationship between Princeton, the American sugar trade, and the slave economy.
Commencement Orations
by Teal Arcadi and Julia Grummitt | Antebellum (1820-1861)
As tensions over slavery led to sectional crisis in the first half of the 19th century, Princeton’s commencement addresses became increasingly pro-slavery in tone.
Princeton and Slavery: Holding the Center
by Martha A. Sandweiss and Craig Hollander | Colonial & Early National (1746-1820), Antebellum (1820-1861), Civil War (1861-1865), Reconstruction to Present (1865-)
Princeton University, founded as the College of New Jersey in 1746, exemplifies the central paradox of American history. From the start, liberty and slavery were intertwined.
Primary Sources
American Colonization Society Fundraising Notice
November 14, 1874 | Reconstruction to Present (1865-)
A fundraising notice placed by John Maclean Jr. in support of the New Jersey branch of the American Colonization Society.
"A Visit to the Colored People of Princeton"
May 1855 | Antebellum (1820-1861)
Ann Maria Davison, a visitor from New Orleans, provided a detailed picture of Princeton's Black community in 1855.
New Work by American Artist Titus Kaphar to Be Unveiled November 8th
Princeton University Art Museum Press Release, 10/12/2017
A new sculpture by leading American artist Titus Kaphar will be installed in front of Princeton University’s Maclean House.
Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison Lauds Princeton University’s Commitment to Change, 11/21/17
Morrison’s keynote address, “‘Race,’ Imagination, and the Birthpains of Justice,” examined Princeton’s “long and complicated” involvement with slavery.