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19Results for "Charleston, SC"

Princeton and South Carolina
by Lesa Redmond | Antebellum (1820-1861)
Princeton alumni from South Carolina owned successful plantations, large numbers of slaves, and served as leaders in the Confederate cause during the Civil War.

Princeton in the Newspapers
by Zena Kesselman | Antebellum (1820-1861)
News about the College of New Jersey and its students—including their connections to the South—spread across the country through multiple forms of print media.

The Potter Family of Prospect and Palmer Houses
by Trip Henningson | Antebellum (1820-1861)
Prospect House and Palmer House, both now University properties, have deep links to the Potters—a slaveholding family with strong ties to Georgia as well as to Princeton and the College of New Jersey.

Moses Taylor Pyne and the Sugar Plantations of the Americas
by Maeve Glass | Reconstruction to Present (1865-)
The financial contributions of Moses Taylor Pyne (Class of 1877), one of Princeton's most prominent benefactors, reveal the complex relationship between Princeton, the American sugar trade, and the slave economy.

Princeton Students Attempt to Lynch an Abolitionist
by Joseph Yannielli | Antebellum (1820-1861)
In September 1835, a crowd of students descended on Princeton’s African American neighborhood to apprehend an abolitionist. The assault underscored the presence on campus of a large number of students committed to slavery and white supremacy.
Primary Sources

"Princeton Catalogue"
May 7, 1856 | Antebellum (1820-1861)
Catalogue of Princeton University with the number of students from each class and number of students from Southern States.

Call for Subscriptions
April 1, 1802 | Colonial & Early National (1746-1820)
A call for subscriptions published in a Charleston newspaper after a fire destroyed Nassau Hall in 1802.

College of New Jersey Commencement Program
October 24, 1800 | Colonial & Early National (1746-1820)
A program for a College of New Jersey Commencement printed in a Charleston newspaper in 1800.

Inventory of Estate for Robert Gibbes
October, 1794 | Colonial & Early National (1746-1820), Antebellum (1820-1861)
A list of enslaved people belonging to Robert Gibbes of South Carolina.